As a newly diagnosed T1D, T2D, LADA individual or caregiver, I imagine you have most likely recently left the hospital or doctor’s office in a daze after drinking from the fire hydrant of diabetes management information. If you are feeling overwhelmed, burdened, stressed, guilty, or depressed, this is totally normal. Living with T1D since 1990, I get it.
Are you feeling stuck, grief-stricken, and having difficulty functioning in general? Please reach out and we can connect to process your emotions and identify ways to help you move through the grief and into a place of healing and acceptance. You can learn more about me here.
I am licensed in California, Florida, Oregon, Vermont, and Utah. If you reside in another state, check out the ADA Mental Health Professional Directory Listing to locate a provider near you.
Other resources:
If you have not already requested a “D-Box” from Touched by Type-1, go here to receive a box full of helpful information on your new diagnosis.
Not sure how to explain T1D or T2D to others? Listen and share this "Explaining Type 1” Episode and the Type 2 Diabetes Pro-Tip Series: Series Intro from the Juicebox Podcast.
Feeling overwhelmed by the burden of explaining to friends, family, teachers, and coworkers what your diagnosis means? Check out these Etiquette Cards from Behavioral Diabetes Institute to hand out and help educate those around you.
Search for online or in-person support groups to decrease feelings of isolation and confusion:
You can hear Erika Forsyth on the Juicebox Podcast, speaking on the mental health aspects of living with diabetes in the Mental Wellness Series. She has recorded over 20 episodes and counting with Scott Benner. Find the episodes on JuiceboxPodcast.com or in you favorite audio app!
Caregivers - need a night out? Check out the Babysitter List at Type One Together.